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ISMN M-50200-167-4
Entrée pour un Berger et une Bergere, Pecour, 1712,
Pièces de viole, Livre III, Marin Marais, 1711
score & voices - download version
4 pages: 2 scores, 2-voices
Here I present - in result of an intensive historical research including preserved operas, collections and songbooks dating form the 17 th
to the 18 th
century - scores and notations taken from more then hundred if the most wonderful stage dances of the baroque period.
Each sheet consists of score and individual voices of a baroque stage dance taken from the original print and rendered in modern notation with G-clefs and F-clefs. The middle voices are shown with both clefs.
The lines of score and voices are consistent with the original choreography and numerals indicate the page of the Feuillet notation. In addition repetitions are often written-out. This improves the communication between dancers and musicians vice versa.
According to the historical performance praxis many notation systems which correspond to the choreography sheets start with an upbeat. (e.g. Sarabande, Gigue, Chaconne, Gavotte and other dances)
An email order for continuously noted scores is possible on request.
The tempi of the Baroque Dances
By the linked page you will find some information about how to play the music in a proper tempo.
Printed Version
Front and back are printed on beige high-quality paper. The scores are printed on white high-quality paper.
To allow a personal sorting, all products use a spine bar binding.
© This product is protected by copy rights. Please just do copies for your own group
The notes are free of GEMA, that is no fee is charged at the event announcement.