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Masks & Equipment for the Avvocato & Notaio
of the Commedia dell'Arte

In the magnificent halls of the Commedia dell'Arte, there appears a character of seemingly incredible erudition and impish wit, known as Avvocato. Emerging from the depths of Dottore, born out of the necessity to liberate the audience from the familiar University of Padua in distant lands. This transformation gave birth to a new figure, yet Avvocato always remains one of the two Vecchii, Pantalone's adversary, foe, or rival. A mind so filled with knowledge that it gushes forth unfiltered and disordered, like a wild stream of thoughts and ideas. No obstacle can halt the surge of these ill-suited quotations and rules that he hurls with unerring hand. His essence is a chaotic blend of physician and lawyer, shifting between roles as if it were a game of favor in the moment's whim.
Avvocato's attire mirrors the intellectual and legal University of Padua, that haven of knowledge where he completed his studies. Within the depths of his precious costume rests the symbol of erudition, yet his outward appearance cannot hide his otherworldliness and short-sightedness. Truly a marvelous specialist, grateful for all the pranks played upon him.
Thus, Avvocato walks the stages of the Commedia dell'Arte, a cornucopia of knowledge and ignorance intertwined. His inexhaustible spirit may evoke laughter from the audience, yet within his simplicity, he reveals a fascinating complexity. A character who astounds and amuses us with his deeds and words, while simultaneously serving as the victim of numerous pranks that bring us the delight of life on the theatrical boards.
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Costumi dell'Arte - Notaio
Costumi dell'Arte - Notaio
Costumi dell'Arte - Notaio
Tanja Amalia Couture: Costumi dell'Arte
Bestellnummer: TA-CdA-0008
Lieferzeit: Angebot innerhalb von 10 Tagen, Fertigungstermin nach Vereinbarung
Notario vecchio per la Commedia dell' Arte - mask
Notario vecchio per la Commedia dell' Arte - mask
Notario vecchio per la Commedia dell' Arte - mask
Price incl. 19%
Bestellnr.: M-104097
Gewicht: 150 g
Material: Pappmaché
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